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Monday, November 08, 2004


So, I'm still a little stunned that I have a blog. I really just wanted to post a comment on someone else's blog and before I knew it, I had one of my own. I've been pretty hesitant to start one, but writing regularly outside of class seems like it might be good for me.

I realized today that my fear of blogging is directly related to my incessant desire to control everything in my life. The idea of writing something that my friends will read without me being able to gauge their reactions at the same time is unnerving. That said, I've been working on accepting the fact that there are very few things in my life I can control right now and this blog thing, scary as it is, will probably help with that. Besides, I've been feeling more comfortable with law school lately, so it's probably a good time to try something new.

If you're one of the few people I've told about this thing, thanks for stopping by. If you found this some other way, well, uh, welcome.

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