
Friday, September 15, 2006 

Good news.

So, I really haven't posted much about this, but one of the conclusions I came to this summer is that I want to stay in New York. Yes, after two years of assuredly telling everyone who came within five feet of me that there was no way I'd stay here, I'm staying. And today, that plan became much easier; I had a really great interview at a law firm here and they gave me an offer almost right away. I still have a few more interviews to do, but I have a really good feeling about this place. Anyway, that's the news.

Let's see, since my last post I've run a 200 mile relay race (well, I only ran 16 miles of it), started classes, traveled to Cape Cod for the first time (it's fun!), switched a bunch of classes and watched a whole lot of Project Runway. Good times. There's a more detailed post about the relay race in the making. It was an adventure, to say the least.

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