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Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Thank you, but I don't need another MMR shot.

I promise I sent my school all of my immunization forms this summer. I know this because it took several phone calls and trips to the clinic in my hometown this past July to establish which shots I'd had and which shots I needed. Yesterday, however, I was unable to register for the spring class lottery because they claim I haven't turned in verification of my MMR or Meningitis vaccinations. I've now re-acquired all the forms and stopped by health services twice to turn them in. Each time the line to get into the immunization records office was prohibitively long. So, instead of sleeping in, I'm going back tomorrow morning. I hate this. I hated this four months ago when I took care of it the first time and I hate it more now.

Anyway, there is one good thing about the situation. I'm feeling a little more affectionate toward my hometown. I spoke with a very friendly and competent woman at my clinic who faxed the appropriate forms to me about five minutes after I asked for them. Stuff like that never happens outside of small towns. Since the election, I've been harboring a good deal of anger toward my hometown and state for their foolishly conservative voting tendencies, but today, I took a minute to appreciate my particular small town. So, that's progress.

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