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Friday, November 12, 2004

Happy Thoughts

So I'd been planning to post something about the tragic lack of travel in my life, but then I remembered that I've actually left NYC three times since I moved here (once to D.C., once to Pennsylvania, and a short trip to Florida), so I'm really not doing too badly. Also, I realized almost everything I've written lately (whether it's here or in emails) has been about things in my life I don't like. It seems a bit ingenuous for me to be so negative; I like my life and all things considered, I'm a happy person. Somehow, it's just much easier to write about the bad stuff. So, today I'm making an effort to write about five things that are good. Here goes.

First, I like school. I don't always like the amount of work that school requires, but I made a good decision in choosing NYU. I'm also content with studying law for the next couple of years and the the prospect of a legal career is growing on me.

Second, two of my friends from home are going to be in New York next week. No one's visited me here yet, so I'm looking forward to spending a little time showing them around. I think doing that will help make this place feel more like home.

Third, I'm going to a particularly chic-flicky movie this evening. I think it's exactly the kind of fluff my brain needs to forget about the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure for an evening.

Fourth, I bought some Act II Microwave Kettle Corn yesterday. It's delightfully tasty.

Fifth, I already have a lot of my homework for Monday finished. So, I should be able to spend almost all of the weekend reviewing and working on outlines. I'm surprisingly excited about that and I'm going to get started on it now.

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