The Week in Review
- Trader Joe's, as just about everyone knows, opened in Union Square this week. I went on Monday and left beaming with happiness. Good food! Low Prices! The main difference between the NYC version and the rest of the country's is the checkout line. It wraps around the entire store and while it moves quickly, it's a reminder that New York, even when it tries to offer something that's fairly standard and predictable in other places, usually alters it at least a little.
- Went to my first Knicks game on Friday. During Spring Break, I'd been a little sad that I wasn't in South Dakota for the state basketball tournaments (after 22 years there, I will always like watching high school baskeball). Anyway, on Friday the Knicks were playing the Grizzlies. Playing guard for the Grizzlies, was Mike Miller, a fellow South Dakotan and member of the high school class of 1998. I can remember watching Miller and the Mitchell Kernels play my own Watertown Arrows. So, even though I didn't get to watch any high school baskeball this month, I had the memory of it.
- Lots of friends are in town this weekend, which is always good.
- Lots of work to do. It's that point in the semester where I feel overwhelmed. It's been made worse by the fact that I got a spot on the editorial board of my journal and we're already transitioning into our new jobs. The good news is that I really like the rest of the board. However, the lazy part of me is kicking myself for taking on what looks like a lot of work.