I'm a fan of hyperbole.
My new camera is the cutest thing, ever (yes, even cuter than, say, a puppy hugging a bunny).
The Congressional Research Service is the most helpful thing, ever. Not only have they produced timely reports on my note topic, but Betsy A. Cody and H. Steven Hughes from the Science and Industry Division have managed to condense the 100 years of water resouce management projects into about eight paragraphs of easily digestible narrative.
Jake's Famous Crawfish in Portland has the best crawfish etouffe I've had outside of New Orleans and and an absolutely delightful Key Lime Martini.
Grapefruit gelato is the best gelato flavor, ever.
Powell's is the best bookstore, ever. Seriously, you can wander for hours and when you take an armful of books to the checkout the price total's only like $25.

Jake's Famous Crawfish in Portland has the best crawfish etouffe I've had outside of New Orleans and and an absolutely delightful Key Lime Martini.
Grapefruit gelato is the best gelato flavor, ever.
Powell's is the best bookstore, ever. Seriously, you can wander for hours and when you take an armful of books to the checkout the price total's only like $25.