I just had a rather silly moment.
In order to efficiently take notes in class, I've set up a few shortcuts in Word. For instance, whenever I type "sct," the words "Supreme Court" appear. Also, when I type, "ev," the word "evidence" pops up. So, today I've been charting out some concepts by hand and just now, after writing "ev," there was a split second where I expected the sheet of paper to fill in the rest for me.
If it makes you feel any better I had a similar moment. I have a short cut set up that when I type "sect" the little section guy (aka section symbol) pops up. It took me a good couple of minutes to figure out why it wasn't popping up on a handwritten page.
I went beyond silly to dumbass when I told my friend Sarah that there was no point what she was doing because the exam was in two hours. She looked at me and said, "Uh, Hils, it's in 26 hours."
Posted by
hils |
5:51 PM
North Maple, you go to NYU, not Hogwarts! - KH
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:52 PM