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Monday, February 07, 2005

Oh! Ew.

Lately, I've stopped using my desk when I do homework in my apartment. Instead, I've been sitting on my bed with my book balanced on my knee and my laptop in front of me. Partly, I'm just bored with sitting at my desk. My back-up lamp also burnt out, so I like sitting on my bed because it's closer to the overhead light. Anyway, working this way means that I'm often facing my window. Across the street from my apartment building is another apartment building. At night, when I glance out, I see lots of lights on over there, but I rarely see people. Tonight, however, I saw a person.

There's one window over there that has a darkish shade and when the light's on, it has a slightly spooky glow. Tonight, I figured out that that window is in someone's bathroom. I was sitting on my bed, chatting with a friend, and I glanced out to see the magnified silouette of a man taking a shower. I yelped and then my friend was treated to me yelling this over and over, "Oh my God! He's washing his ass! He's washing his ass!" As far as I can tell, the window is in the shower. That seems like bad planning. Anywho, the next time I looked out, Mr. Shower had migrated to his bedroom and was getting dressed.

I really wish there was a way for me to contact him anonymously. Maybe he reads this blog. If so, dude, you really need to close your blinds when you're wandering around naked after you shower. Oh, and you might want to invest in a new shade for that shower window 'cuz all of New York can currently watch you wash your ass.

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