Oh, and speaking of jobs . . .
Congratulations are in order (actually, they were due last week, but my internet access was spotty) because The Head Kid and Ruprecht both got jobs, Hans Brix found a fun summer job, and Midwestablished was accepted to a seminary. Yay! Just goes to show that I'm only friends with successful people. Also, all the jobs except Hans Brix's are relatively close to New York me and the seminary's right here in Manhattan! Good work friends! Those of you who haven't found ways to move closer to me, you need to start looking 'cuz it looks like the fun's following me.
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Posted by
North Maple |
4:46 PM
Except, of course, that I will be in California the entire time Hans Brix is in DC. Moving to the East Coast doesn't count unless I'm here, too.
Posted by
North Maple |
4:48 PM
Yay! I will be arriving almost a week before Memorial Day! Also, I think my job ends on August 5, so I'll probably be around for a bit after that. Are you interested in an August roadtrip to Southern California? Transport will be provided by Sadie the Saturn, of course.
Posted by
North Maple |
2:24 PM