Too much stuff.
A slip of paper under my door on Friday informed me that NYU maintenance will be cleaning all the floor of my apartment tomorrow. All I have to do is make sure the only things on the floor when they arrive are the furniture. Thing is, this rooms pretty small and even when things are tidy, the floor's pretty essential to my storage plan. Long story short, I have way, way too much stuff. Sevenish months ago I arrived with two suitcases and a carry-on; several shipments from home and a few shopping trips later, I'm ill with the thought of having to move all this in May.
So, I'm purging. I've already got three bags of clothes to donate somewhere. With the clothes, I'm imposing a strict "if it doesn't fit or is at all ugly, it goes" rule. See, a lot of the clothes I initially brought here are now a size or two too big. I still like most of them, but they look really bad. It's hard to give them up, they represent a nice chunk of my income from the past two years. Oh well, streamlining always feels good, right? Last year, I donated a couple carloads of clothes and dishes and other random apartment stuff to Goodwill before I left DC. That felt great.
Also, I was hoping my floor-cleaning preparations would reveal my cell phone hidden in some nook of my room. Alas, it's still missing. It's been a week. I don't think I've ever missed an inanimate object this much. I'm calling Verizon tomorrow to invoke my insurance plan. Grrr.
So, I'm purging. I've already got three bags of clothes to donate somewhere. With the clothes, I'm imposing a strict "if it doesn't fit or is at all ugly, it goes" rule. See, a lot of the clothes I initially brought here are now a size or two too big. I still like most of them, but they look really bad. It's hard to give them up, they represent a nice chunk of my income from the past two years. Oh well, streamlining always feels good, right? Last year, I donated a couple carloads of clothes and dishes and other random apartment stuff to Goodwill before I left DC. That felt great.
Also, I was hoping my floor-cleaning preparations would reveal my cell phone hidden in some nook of my room. Alas, it's still missing. It's been a week. I don't think I've ever missed an inanimate object this much. I'm calling Verizon tomorrow to invoke my insurance plan. Grrr.
i missed the note under my door so the poor cleaning staff had to pick everything off the floor themselves... i came back to a beautifully clean carpet but my shoes were sitting on my desk - opps!
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:23 AM
Well yes, some of the stuff I took to Goodwill did originally belong to you. I think I could, however, make a compelling argument that you gifted those items to me even most of your stuff just sat under our kitchen table for a year. And yes, I did enjoy getting rid of it.
Posted by
North Maple |
11:35 AM