Almost there.
The brief's amost finished and it's just barely starting to feel like spring. Occasionally when the sun is shining, it's warm enough to go coatless and I noticed this morning that all the trees in the Vanderbilt courtyard have tiny buds on their branches. I've seen pictures of what Washington Square Park looks like in the early spring and I'm looking foward to it being abloom.
I just bought a ticket to DC for mid-April and I'm hoping that there will still be a few cherry blossoms left then. A friend of mine moved to DC earlier this week and this afternoon he told me that he'd spent the day exploring the city on foot. It's the same thing I did the first summer and it's really the best way to get to know the city. Anyway, my friend had originally called me to ask for a restaurant recommendation because he was in a part of the city with which he was unfamiliar and he was certain I'd know a good place "off the beaten path." I was flattered, but then I realized that I have a habit of collecting places. I kind of figure that the more favorite places I have, the more often I'll feel at home.
Here are a few of them:
The Watertown Courthouse.

"My" tree at college.

The view from Hillsity's backyard.

The Badlands.

The best part of my former commute (ignore the datestamp, I haven't figured out how to edit it out).

And, Harper's Ferry, WV (one of my more frequent road trip destinations).
I just bought a ticket to DC for mid-April and I'm hoping that there will still be a few cherry blossoms left then. A friend of mine moved to DC earlier this week and this afternoon he told me that he'd spent the day exploring the city on foot. It's the same thing I did the first summer and it's really the best way to get to know the city. Anyway, my friend had originally called me to ask for a restaurant recommendation because he was in a part of the city with which he was unfamiliar and he was certain I'd know a good place "off the beaten path." I was flattered, but then I realized that I have a habit of collecting places. I kind of figure that the more favorite places I have, the more often I'll feel at home.
Here are a few of them:
The Watertown Courthouse.

"My" tree at college.

The view from Hillsity's backyard.

The Badlands.

The best part of my former commute (ignore the datestamp, I haven't figured out how to edit it out).

And, Harper's Ferry, WV (one of my more frequent road trip destinations).