Finals Dispatch #5
Hours Spent at the Library: 5ish, but the night's still young.
Practice Tests Taken: Zero. I did meet with a group to discuss two practice tests, though.
Most Bizarre Meal: Dinner -- Diet Dr. Pepper and a Luna Bar. I'll have to supplement that later.
High Point: I had a beer. At lunch. A Corona. It was sooo good (insert that Duff's beer noise that Homer Simpson makes).
Low Point: I had been sitting at one of the two best tables in the library. They're both right in front of the window that has the best view. When I ran back to my apartment for some books, I lost the spot. My table is now occupied by a guy who I seriously doubt appreciates the view like I do. Also, it's close to the outlet and my laptop battery fizzles pretty fast.
Lessons Learned: I should drink more beer at lunch.
Library Patron of the Day: Hmm, there's a pretty cute guy a nearby table. Wait, oh ew, I think he's looking at porn. Nevermind, there's no Library Patron of the Day today.
Song listened to most frequently: Lonely Girls -- Lucinda Williams
Word of the Day: Determination.
Practice Tests Taken: Zero. I did meet with a group to discuss two practice tests, though.
Most Bizarre Meal: Dinner -- Diet Dr. Pepper and a Luna Bar. I'll have to supplement that later.
High Point: I had a beer. At lunch. A Corona. It was sooo good (insert that Duff's beer noise that Homer Simpson makes).
Low Point: I had been sitting at one of the two best tables in the library. They're both right in front of the window that has the best view. When I ran back to my apartment for some books, I lost the spot. My table is now occupied by a guy who I seriously doubt appreciates the view like I do. Also, it's close to the outlet and my laptop battery fizzles pretty fast.
Lessons Learned: I should drink more beer at lunch.
Library Patron of the Day: Hmm, there's a pretty cute guy a nearby table. Wait, oh ew, I think he's looking at porn. Nevermind, there's no Library Patron of the Day today.
Song listened to most frequently: Lonely Girls -- Lucinda Williams
Word of the Day: Determination.
Hours Spent at the Library: 9, but I had a final
Practice Tests Taken: none, just the real deal in Torts
Most Bizarre Meal: lunch: beef jerky and a fig newton
High Point: thinking of a new answer to the question "what's a but for?" (mooning)
Low Point: Only knowing the answers to three of the sixty questions on my torts final.
Lessons Learned: There's no point in studying for law school finals.
Library Patron of the Day: Me! I looked adorable in my emerald green juicy track suit and pink laundry top to match the pink puppy embroidered on the jacket
Song listened to most frequently: I listened to the tapes of the torts classes I missed while I was in the hospital. Hope that counts.
Word of the Day: agnostic. A question on the torts exam had it in the answer and we all picked it since we'd never seen the word used in that context.
I really hope one of my friends pities me and gives me a job when I fail out of law school.
Posted by
hils |
1:06 AM