This was a fun, narcissistic distraction.
I took the Myers-Briggs personality test in my 12th grade psychology class and was the only student in the class to have the same personality type as my teacher. It turned out that he was pretty proud to be an INTP and he spent a significant chunk of that class period talking about how rare and special we are (only 1% of the population is an Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiver). Well, for some reason, I thought of that class a few days ago, so I looked up my personality profile tonight. It was absolutely fascinating.
When I first took the test at 17, I don't think I had a good grasp on whether or not the INTP description was accurate. Now though, a few days from my 25th birthday, I recognize that the INTP description is, for the most part, eerily accurate. To be fair, I'm not quite the "thinker" the description makes me out to be and I truly enjoy teamwork and writing. Otherwise, the stuff about problem-solving and communication is spot on.
Anyway, most people have taken the Myers-Briggs, but if you haven't, you can do it here. And this, is just one of many places you can read about your personality type. Take a minute to indulge in some self-analysis. It's fun, I promise.
When I first took the test at 17, I don't think I had a good grasp on whether or not the INTP description was accurate. Now though, a few days from my 25th birthday, I recognize that the INTP description is, for the most part, eerily accurate. To be fair, I'm not quite the "thinker" the description makes me out to be and I truly enjoy teamwork and writing. Otherwise, the stuff about problem-solving and communication is spot on.
Anyway, most people have taken the Myers-Briggs, but if you haven't, you can do it here. And this, is just one of many places you can read about your personality type. Take a minute to indulge in some self-analysis. It's fun, I promise.
Thank you for diverting my attention from Damages under the U.C.C. I'm an ENTJ-type. That's me and 2% of the population.
Posted by
hils |
12:49 PM
It says I am an INTJ, and that my ideal "suitemate" would be an bodes well for the summer, doesn't it?!
Posted by
Katherine Von Bora |
10:40 PM
Well, there's that . . . and possibly, the fact that we've known each other for nearly two decades.
Posted by
North Maple |
11:09 PM