25 hours to go and what I'm really looking forward to is not the inevitable drinking binge, but sleep; a long, deep sleep unplagued by guilty feelings about how the time could be better spent studying. Back in the halcyon days of studying for property, four hours of sleep left me refreshed and ready to spend the day tackling covenants and takings. Now, even eight hours of sleep at night needs to be supplemented with an afternoon nap. I'm falling apart. I've been asked if I'm losing weight and I think the answer's yes (I haven't actually confirmed it with a scale). The sad part is that any weight I've lost in the last few weeks is attributable solely to malnutrition. The closest I've come to exercise is walking across Washington Square Park to get sushi.
Luckily, the end is squarely in sight. Real life begins again on Thursday. And, by real life, I mean a life not dominated by law school. A life that includes regular meals! Reading fiction! Hiking, biking and running! Driving my car! Not being in New York City!
Alright, that's enough. I've got a practice test to take.
Luckily, the end is squarely in sight. Real life begins again on Thursday. And, by real life, I mean a life not dominated by law school. A life that includes regular meals! Reading fiction! Hiking, biking and running! Driving my car! Not being in New York City!
Alright, that's enough. I've got a practice test to take.