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Friday, April 29, 2005

I love the nighttime.

My most productive hours are from about 8pm to 3am (give or take an hour on either side). About a month ago, I used my unique circadian rhythms to justify sleeping late and I think they're also the reason for my late-night energy. Whatever the reason, my ability to concentrate is much greater after the sun goes down. Obviously, my night-owlishness becomes more pronounced when I don't have to follow any kind of daytime schedule (unfotunately, this weekend I'll need to adjust my sleep schedule a bit to accomodate Monday morning's property final). At my job, I noticed it during the times I was most overwhelmed with work. I can remember weeks where I regularly left my desk after midnight and it was during those late hours that I did some of my most efficient and highest quality work.

So yeah, I'm going to attribute all this to the circadian rhythms thing (mainly because I like using the word, "circadian"). In all reality, though, it's probably more likely that I'm just easily distracted and the quiet nighttime hours are more conducive to my ability to focus.

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