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Saturday, April 23, 2005

Washington Square Park was especially charming this morning.

After Property, I headed out across the park to run some errands. Today must've been some kind of community service day for the undergrads because students were out planting and painting and just generally making the park prettier. There was a jazzy band playing on the band platform and little kids were doing little kid dances around them. There were several intense chess games happening in the Southwest corner of the park and many dogs and children playing in their respective areas.

Most of the trees are starting to get leafy and green. Some them are also currently filled with pretty pink and white blossoms. The most adorable thing I saw was an elderly couple taking pictures of the blossoms. The husband had given his wife a flower to wear in her hair and she'd tucked it above her ear. The tottered through the park holding hands. Awwww.

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