I'm riding the caffeine wave.
Coffee in the middle of the night is an amazing thing. I've disliked coffee most of my life and it's only been in the last month or so that I've been able to enjoy non-flavored coffee. So, unlike most people, I have no fond college memories of plowing through multiple pots of coffee while pulling an all-nighter.
It also means that a large cup of coffee like the one I finished an hour ago makes me a little crazy. I just finished cutting my torts outline and taping it to note cards in order to facilitate some of the memorizing that needs to happen in the next 24 hours. As I glanced at one square of paper, I saw two bolded words starting with "man" and "de" and thought, "What does Manifest Destiny have to do with products liability?" Uh, that's "manufacturing defect" and yes, I'm delirious right now.
It also means that a large cup of coffee like the one I finished an hour ago makes me a little crazy. I just finished cutting my torts outline and taping it to note cards in order to facilitate some of the memorizing that needs to happen in the next 24 hours. As I glanced at one square of paper, I saw two bolded words starting with "man" and "de" and thought, "What does Manifest Destiny have to do with products liability?" Uh, that's "manufacturing defect" and yes, I'm delirious right now.
caffeine waves are the greatest!!
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:13 AM