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Tuesday, May 03, 2005

My last couple of posts have been kind of whiny.

So, tonight I'm going to tell you what's been good about finals: I'm finally able to concentrate again. Last semester, I never felt like I was able to the required concentration into anything. I'd read stuff and even when I understood it, I'd have a hard time remembering or explaining it in any constructive way. It was frustrating. this semester, however, I've been able to sit down, read things, and just have them stick. I'm not at all sure that it will have any effect on my grades, but I do think it means that I'm learning more, so that's nice.

I'm also kind of proud of myself for rallying tonight and putting in a few hours on torts. I left my property exam, found some friends, and had the margarita that I'd been promising myself for the past week. Then I went on an aimless walk and then I took a nap. Post-nap, I really wanted to watch tv, but I went to my new super-special studying spot and started the torts internalization process.

This torts exam has me a little scared. It's closed book and despite the fact that I spent 16 years of my life taking closed-book exams, I'm a bit spooked. I keep reminding myself that I don't use my outlines much and I never use my books on exams, but they're still nice safety blankets.

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Contracts was closed book for us both semesters. I just kept telling myself that no one had their notes, and unless one of my classmates was some kind of contracts idiot savant, we were all in the same boat.

Good luck!

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