Berkeley's on my shitlist.*
Or maybe it's Oakland. Either way, someone stole one of my license plates. Just went up, unscrewed the screws and walked away with my plate (and the screws). I suspect it was a college kid who was amused by my South Dakota plates. Amusement is fine, taking the plate isn't. I'm currently waiting for the Berkeley police to call me back so that I can fully report the missing plate, just in case it is now sitting on a car that's leaving a crime scene rather than decorating the wall of some undergrad's bedroom. My parents are alterting the South Dakota authorities so that the records there can be updated as well. I expect I'll have to get all new plates which poses two problems: 1) I'll have to pay for all new plates which will really piss me off, and 2) I'll have to memorize all new license plate numbers which, despite the fact that I tend to have a pretty good memory, has proven difficult in the past.
The worst part is that half of my car is now bare. I know some states only require one plate, but SoDak requires two and I like that. The SoDak plates give me a certain freedom -- when I execute a slightly ill-advised or illegal driving manuever, I can simply point to the plates and imply that I'm fresh off the farm. Disingenuous? Yes, but helpful nonetheless. And now, I can only do that half the time. Damn college kids.
UPDATE: I now have a case number and the police officer who filed my report assured me I'm now exempt from any liability if someone commits a crime while driving a car bearing my plates. Ahh liability, that officer sure know how to sweet-talk a law student.
* Please excuse my swearing.
The worst part is that half of my car is now bare. I know some states only require one plate, but SoDak requires two and I like that. The SoDak plates give me a certain freedom -- when I execute a slightly ill-advised or illegal driving manuever, I can simply point to the plates and imply that I'm fresh off the farm. Disingenuous? Yes, but helpful nonetheless. And now, I can only do that half the time. Damn college kids.
UPDATE: I now have a case number and the police officer who filed my report assured me I'm now exempt from any liability if someone commits a crime while driving a car bearing my plates. Ahh liability, that officer sure know how to sweet-talk a law student.
* Please excuse my swearing.