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Tuesday, July 12, 2005

This was kind of my last weekend in Berkeley.

This upcoming weekend, me and the roomies are headed to Carmel, Monterey, and Santa Cruz, the next weekend I'm visiting family in Sacramento, the weekend after that, I'll be in DC and then the next weekend my mom arrives to start the long drive home. I'd say the summer's gone quickly, but it hasn't, really. It's felt like two months. I like that. On the East Coast, my time seems to disappear in alarmingly large chunks. One minute it's September and the next it's Thanksgiving. My California experience, however, has happened in real time and I've enjoyed virtually all of it. Even if I don't end up living out here, I'm so glad to have tried it.

Anyway, we went back to the brewery Friday night. Drake's is one of my favorite East Bay discoveries (granted, I didn't really discover it, my friends here have been going there for years). I'm hopeful that I'll be able to arrange a callback interview this fall on a Friday just so I can make it to another happy hour. People there are starting to recognize me and that's as close as I'm going to get to feeling like a local out here (this summer, at least).

Saturday, we shopped. There was a fire at the North Face store about a week ago and they had to dramatically mark down all the stuff that had "smoke damage." None of it was really hurt, but it was crazy cheap. Ahhh, I love a bargain. Grilled out on our patio Saturday night. I think I've finally found the perfect guacamole recipe. It's been two great months of experimenting, but I think this last batch is as good as I'm gonna get.

The plan for Sunday was San Francisco sightseeing, but once we got to Land's End, it was just too clear to head back into the city. Instead, we drove down Route 1, first to the Moss Beach Distillery and Half Moon Bay. The Distillery is great; it used to be a speakeasy and it has a resident ghost. That plus some pretty spectacular views and Pyramid on tap make for a great afternoon rest stop. The weekend ended with laundry and church. Both quiet, but needed.

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