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Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Good Advice

Yesterday, I asked a friend of mine who is a 3L at the University of Michigan for finals advice. Her answer was succinct, "Don't freak out. Don't be around people who freak out. Sleep." I think she's right and because of that, I'm abandoning the law library for a while. It's been a good friend to me this semester, but lately it's scorned me with its indiscriminate admissions policy. Tables that normally hold two people now hold five and today, the four others at my table all had a slightly crazed look in their eyes. Also, it's not quiet anymore. This afternoon, a table of men behind me carried on a rather loud and rumbly conversation for about 30 minutes. I don't need that.

Tomorrow, I'm going to try out one of the nearby New York Public Libraries. It's big, so I'm hopeful that I can find a quiet corner. If not, I'll plug in my headphones and listen to some calm music. I think I'm going to like being around normal people (well, as normal as they can be at a public library) instead of icky law students. Okay, most of the time they're not icky; I just want to study on my own, that's all. If the public libary's no good, I'll either find a cafe with wireless internet or hang out in my apartment. Luckily, unlike The Head Kid, I shouldn't have too much trouble finding wifi.

I'm also working on the advice about sleep. I've always liked to stay up late, but this semester it's gotten a bit out of control. For a while, I wasn't able to fall asleep until about 4:00 am. I'm now going to sleep around 2:00 and my goal is to move that up to midnight before finals actually start. Like most people, I perform better awake. However, in the past six years, I've probably gone to bed before midnight less than ten times, so that goal might be a little unreasonable. Oh well.

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