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Thursday, March 03, 2005

The relaxing days are over.

If last week was law school's easiest week, then this week may have been one of the most daunting. I received my appellate brief assignment the same day I received the packet for the moot court writing competiton. Both are due at the end of the month. Plus, we're kind of at the point in the semester where review isn't just a nice idea but kind of a necessity. It's alright, though. I've had a lot of fun during the past two months; I'm rested and ready to take on the next two more difficult months.

The appellate brief background reading is surprising pleasant. It's fairly interesting, but what I like most about it is that it's almost all legislative history and agency regulations -- I know how to read that! Plus, the next thing in the packet is a statement from Senator James Abourezk from South Dakota (the Senate's first Arab-American senator), so I get to feel a little home state pride.

Speaking of home, I watched The O.C. tonight and was suprised to have a high school flashback. Harbor High School and its students don't much resemble my own WHS or my classmates, so I don't really watch the show to reminsce. Tonight's episode, however, featured the song, Champagne Supernova, a song I will forever associate with 10th grade debate. Granted, on the show it was a band called matt pond PA, not Oasis, but it still took me back to Room 104. The only other song that does that is Deep Blue Something's Breakfast at Tiffany's, which my debate coach played nonstop for about two weeks.

There's now enough distance between me and high school for me to successfully block out all the things that were awkward and difficult and just remember the fun. So I spent a commerical break thinking about evenings spent researching the U.S.'s foreign policy regarding China and the afternoons we filled with dumb card games once the debate season was over. Yeah, I was a geek, but it was fun. I might even stop by the high school while I'm home next week to check in on the current team. Or maybe not, it was just a song.

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