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Tuesday, July 26, 2005

It's days like yesterday that make law school overwhelming.

I currently have 30 interviews scheduled during early interview week. On the one hand, that's great. I would hope that I could get an offer out of 30 interviews. On the other hand, I have 30 interviews in one week. That's 30 rounds of the same questions, the same answers, and the same fake smiles.

Okay, that's all the complaining I'm going to do about the number of interviews. This really is a great thing. Thank you, NYU, for providing this job search shortcut. I just know that I've got some work to do in order to get through those 30 interviews.

Last week, I had my EIW practice interview in San Francisco (NYU requires everyone who participates in EIW to do one) and other than some giving me some helpful hints about answering the tough "Why should we believe that you really want to live in California?" questions, the general gist of my interviewer's comments was that I need to do more self-promotion. She even gave me a list of the things that she thought were great about me.

You may not know this, but Midwesterns are, by our nature, modest. We're nice, we wish each other well, we celebrate success, but we don't want to hear you brag and we're generally loathe to do it ourselves. In fact, in South Dakota we even get a little uncomfortable about promoting about some of our best products. I generally feel like an asshat just explaining why I chose NYU over more local schools. So, the thought of having to "sell" myself for a week makes we want to vomit.

Anyway, as all the EIW hoopla's been going on, law review and journal invites were sent out. I'd forgotten how certain law school things have the power to invoke a sort of paranoid fear in me despite the fact that they're not really all that important in, you know, the grand scheme of things. It turned out fine, though. I didn't make law review, but I got my second choice, so I'm happy.

I was talking with a classmate who shares my dislike of the overwhelming nature of law school this afternoon and she summed it all up in what I'm calling the Quote of the Week:

"I want to be all mid-western - get married and have some babies, and hang out at the Mall of America or something."

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Gosh, that girl who wrote your quote of the week sure is smart, or psycho, one of the two...I'm going with smart :)

Yah, you're a smarty and you know it.

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