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Tuesday, September 06, 2005

I had been planning to post about how busy the upcoming weeks are going to be for me

but then I spent more than a few hours watching CNN's coverage of what's happening in New Orleans and decided that I'm pretty content with my hectic life. I found enough time to spend the weekend with old friends and law firms are willing to fly me across the country, house me in nice hotels, and buy me expensive meals just so I'll endure further interviews with their lawyers.
Despite all that, I've spent a fair bit of time whining lately and that's going to stop. Fact is, all the things in my life about which I've recently felt overwhelmed are things that I've chosen. This feeling of control is a pretty great luxury and I just really shouldn't be complaining. At all.

Anyway, the rest of my weekend in New Hampshire was fun. Portsmouth is quaint and the tiny part of Maine that I visited was both pretty and filled with outlet malls. The drive back was fine. One of my friends dropped me off at a train station in Greenwich, CT on his way back to D.C. Greenwich looks exactly like the opening credits of Who's the Boss.

Class today was fine. I expect my 9am class tomorrow will be less so. I switched out of a somewhat lackluster seminar and into one that seems a bit more fun; I hope I'm finally done messing with my schedule. I'm headed to L.A. this weekend and it turns out four or five of my friends are headed there for interviews at the same time. We've got some tourist time, drinking time, and lounging by the pool time planned. Yah, no complaining here.

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Wow! LA already! Time flies! Think you'll make it down to the Tavern on the Beach? Have a great trip and good luck with the interviews!

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