Another reason to love the iPod.
Ahh, the magic of shuffle play. I have a feeling this won't be the first time a forgotten song jogs a memory.
The song: Beer for My Horses -- Willie Nelson and Toby Keith (yeah, I know, it's an eclectic collection).
The memory: July 2003. I was working absolutely crazy hours at work and I'd just finished moving to a new apartment. Despite the hellish work hours, I decided it would be a good idea to row crew at 5:25 am 3-5 times a week. E and I had to leave the apartment by 5 to get there on time. She had this nas-asty vanilla flavored coffee that she'd bring in the car every morning and the smell of it made me sick. For some reason, this song was on the radio almost every morning. Despite the craziness and the sleep deprivation, that was one of the rare times when I felt like I was in control of my life. I'd just started to figure out my job, I knew my way around DC, I had friends, and it was too early for me to be worried about law school applications. Life wasn't perfect, but it was better than anything I'd expected.
The song: Beer for My Horses -- Willie Nelson and Toby Keith (yeah, I know, it's an eclectic collection).
The memory: July 2003. I was working absolutely crazy hours at work and I'd just finished moving to a new apartment. Despite the hellish work hours, I decided it would be a good idea to row crew at 5:25 am 3-5 times a week. E and I had to leave the apartment by 5 to get there on time. She had this nas-asty vanilla flavored coffee that she'd bring in the car every morning and the smell of it made me sick. For some reason, this song was on the radio almost every morning. Despite the craziness and the sleep deprivation, that was one of the rare times when I felt like I was in control of my life. I'd just started to figure out my job, I knew my way around DC, I had friends, and it was too early for me to be worried about law school applications. Life wasn't perfect, but it was better than anything I'd expected.
Excellent song. And you guys were crazy to get up that early. But you did it!
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:40 PM