In the thick of it.
One final down! Woo! It went okay. There was nothing terrifying -- no words I didn't know or equations I didn't understand. I have no idea how I did, but that's not important, what's important is that it's over and I can now dedicate my life to civil procedure. Originally, I had planned either go to a movie tonight or go out drinking. Well, the movie's sold out and drinking, while enticing, would just be bad. I've got four days to learn a whole lotta procedure and I just can't afford to spend any of it headachey or, let's admit it, pukey. 'Cuz if I go out drinking now, one beer's gonna turn into six beers real fast.
My Contracts professor provided pizza for my class after the test today. That was nice. I wasn't quite ready to start studying after, so I went shopping. I started out toward Barnes & Noble and K-Mart and eventually ended up at Union Square. I thought there might be a St. Elmo's Fire DVD in my future, but the Virgin Megastore didn't have it. I bought part of my mom's Christmas present at Urban Outfitters. Whoa, there's a sentence I never expected to type.
Anywho, I'm feeling a bit more in the Christmas spirt it now. I'd like to say that's because of the Christmas carolers or the twinkle lights, but I'll be honest -- it was the shopping. I know, I know, the fact that I had to spend money to feel Christmasy is so very . . . American. And sad. But, I was buying something for someone else, so that makes it okay, right? I'd thought about downloading some Christmas music, but somehow that seems more sad.
Besides, shopping is cathartic. One of the things I miss most about my pre-law school life is my weekly trips to Tyson's Galleria with my two best friends in DC. What a great mall. Ew, there's another sentence I wasn't expecting to type.
In other news, I found a walnut in my coat pocket. I don't where it came from, but finding it was one of the more disturbing moments of the week.
So, recap: Take-home Contracts exam, pizza, adult decision not to drink, no St. Elmo's Fire, Urban Outfitters, walnut in my pocket, studying. It really is a magical life that I lead.
My Contracts professor provided pizza for my class after the test today. That was nice. I wasn't quite ready to start studying after, so I went shopping. I started out toward Barnes & Noble and K-Mart and eventually ended up at Union Square. I thought there might be a St. Elmo's Fire DVD in my future, but the Virgin Megastore didn't have it. I bought part of my mom's Christmas present at Urban Outfitters. Whoa, there's a sentence I never expected to type.
Anywho, I'm feeling a bit more in the Christmas spirt it now. I'd like to say that's because of the Christmas carolers or the twinkle lights, but I'll be honest -- it was the shopping. I know, I know, the fact that I had to spend money to feel Christmasy is so very . . . American. And sad. But, I was buying something for someone else, so that makes it okay, right? I'd thought about downloading some Christmas music, but somehow that seems more sad.
Besides, shopping is cathartic. One of the things I miss most about my pre-law school life is my weekly trips to Tyson's Galleria with my two best friends in DC. What a great mall. Ew, there's another sentence I wasn't expecting to type.
In other news, I found a walnut in my coat pocket. I don't where it came from, but finding it was one of the more disturbing moments of the week.
So, recap: Take-home Contracts exam, pizza, adult decision not to drink, no St. Elmo's Fire, Urban Outfitters, walnut in my pocket, studying. It really is a magical life that I lead.
Walnut in coat pocket = disturbing experience?
I think I know what my friends are getting for Christmas.
Posted by
CM |
1:20 PM
Is it sad that the thought of not eating it never crossed my mind?
Posted by
hils |
2:11 PM