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Saturday, September 17, 2005

This is only the second weekend I've spent in New York this year.

It's been good. I've still got a lot of work to do this weekend, but I'm closer to feeling caught up and it's been nice to have time to see my friends. It seems like we've been all over the world lately. It's also been nice to have a break from the seemingly relentless "what do I want do do with my life" questions that have been running through my head during all these callback interviews. One interviewer gave me a twenty-minute sales pitch on the wonders of asset management and while I think I can safely say I don't want to do that, I've still got a ways to go on all the other stuff.

I've noticed lately that I haven't been posting on this blog nearly as much as I did last year. There are probably several reasons for that (including my full schedule and non-stop exhaustion), but the main one is probably my pre-occupation with those big questions. Some people view their blogs as a therapeutic tool, a way for them to work out in words the things they find challenging or perplexing. I've never been one of those people. This blog has primarily been a way for me to keep track of the somewhat novel, slightly noteworthy, and occasionally amusing events and encounters that have accompanied my law school life. The big questions I choose to ponder on my own, often for long periods of time. I let them percolate until I'm forced to make decisions and then I usually go with my gut. So, if my posts have been more mundane (and I admit that they've been fairly mundane all along) than usual over the past few months, that's why. I've just been working things out in my own quiet way.

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