It's been rainy and grey, so I've spent most of the day in my room, reading and lounging. I'm writing a note for my journal this semester and I managed to get through a pile of rules from the Code of Federal Regulation without clawing my eyes out, so I'm calling the afternoon a success.
Now, I'm reading through the handful of law review articles and notes that have been published on my chosen topic. I just discovered that one of the more helpful looking notes was written by a woman who was in my class at college. In fact, we took the same LSAT prep course. I guess she went straight into law school. Anyway, I'm a little bit sad because her writing is
awful. I can't believe anyone let her publish the note in this form. It's messy and awkward and less than gramatically correct. I'm disappointed because I know that our college taught us to write better than what she has produced. I'm also frustrated because a lot of the research I've found on my topic is from the journal that published her note and I think I'm going to have a tough time trusting them. Oh well, maybe I'm just snotty.
In other news, I got another callback offer yesterday. Yup, they waited more than six weeks to call me. The message the recruiter left said something like, "hey, sorry we didn't call sooner, but we'd really like to bring you in for more interviews." Bullshit. I'm pretty sure that message means, "hey, we liked you six weeks ago, but we didn't
love you, so we've interviewed a bunch of other people and they're not taking our offers so hopefully you're desperate and will come in for more interviews." Hmm, tempting, but no thank you. Again, maybe I'm just snotty.